Halo Lighting System First Strike Games User Manual

Page 169

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At 0545 they made it to the clearing designated as their ex-

traction LZ. At 0700 hours they were supposed to meet CPO

Mendez. Of course, the Chief rarely let them get off this easy—

so John had planned for Blue Team to be here as well... only

they would remain hidden. Linda and Fred would post some-

where in the treetops and cover Red Team until they were sure it

was safe.

Red Team hunkered down in the brush and waited. They

weren't safe; John knew that. Tango Company would be looking

for them, and this is when his team would get anxious ... when

they would want to talk and brag about their successful mission,

or look at the captured flag. To their credit, Red Team stayed still

and silent. And Blue Team was nowhere to be seen.

At 0610 the thunderous roar of a Pelican's engines filled the

air and the craft slowly descended and landed in the clearing.

The aft hatch popped open.

Fhajad started to move, but John set his hand on his shoulder.

"Too early," he whispered. "When is the Chief not perfectly

on time?"

Fhajad, Kelly, and Sam grimly nodded.

"I'll go," John said. "You guys back up Blue Team."

They gave him a thumbs-up. Sam patted him on the back and

whispered, "Don't worry, I won't let them do anything to you."

"I know," John whispered back. He pulled the flag from his

shirt and handed it to Sam. "Thanks."

John crawled away from their position. When he was thirty

meters from his team, he stood and approached the Pelican—

which was almost certainly a trap.

He halted halfway across the meadow and waited.

A figure appeared on the exit ramp of the Pelican and waved

him forward. "Come on, son. Haul ass!"

"Negative, sir!" John shouted.

The figure turned and muttered to someone inside, "Crap." He

sighed. "Okay, so we do it the hard way."

Four men jogged out of the back of the Pelican. They quickly

spread out in a semicircle and moved toward John, their assault

rifles aimed directly at him.

John held up his hands.

"He's giving up," one of the soldiers said disbelievingly.
