2 defaults - tables 12, Figure 5 defaults-tables 12, Defaults - tables – Fluke 9933 User Manual

Page 16: Figure 5, Defaults-tables, 2 defaults - tables

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Defaults - Tables

The Tables tab (Figure 5) is displayed when the File|Defaults menu option is
selected and the tab labeled Tables is selected.

Enabled and disabled

All controls are enabled at all times.

Dialog information

The File|Defaults Tables tab determines the default settings to use when gener-
ating tables.

The “Export delimiter” allows the user to specify the delimiter used to separate
values when exporting a table to an ASCII text file. The user may select either
a tab or a comma as the delimiter.

The “Starting page number” allows the user to select or enter a number for the
starting page number of the printed table. The starting page number must be be-
tween 1 and 10.

The “Font to use” allows the user to specify the font to use when printing the
table values. The list of fonts consists of all fonts supported by the default
printer. The font size can also be selected. The allowable font sizes are from 6
point to 12 point. A sample of the selected font is displayed below the font

9933 TableWare
User’s Guide


Figure 5 Defaults-Tables
