Operating 518 as a control unit (type 0) – Meridian America Digital Audio Processor Meridian 518 User Manual

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Using 518 in Hi Fi Systems


518 User Guide

Note 518 can be used with or without other Meridian

equipment. When it

is used as the main system control unit it is normally the ‘System
Controller’ and operates exactly as described below. Systems including
other Meridian control units like 562 or 565 or DSP speakers will always
elect for 518 not to be System Controller and there are some functional

Operating 518 as a Control Unit (Type 0)

Note Do not use 518 as a Control Unit if the system has a Meridian 565
or DSP loudspeaker. (Use Type 1)

Selecting a source

1. press Source until the input you require is indicated
2. release Source


press a Source key on the Remote

Selecting a source will bring 518 out of Standby.

Adjusting the volume

To increase the volume

1. press


the right-hand volume key on the 518


press the top red key on the Remote

To decrease the volume

1. press


the left hand volume key on the 518


press the bottom red key on the Remote Control

As you adjust the volume setting, the display will change to show the cur-
rent source and volume number. For example:

would indicate that you were listening to a Compact
Disc at a volume setting of 65. The volume level dis-

played will count up or down and ranges from 1 to 99. Each step is 1dB.

Subjectively a volume increase of 9dB is equivalent to a doubling of
loudness. Each volume number represents about a 11% change in loud-
ness; nine steps to double loudness. In a traditional analogue preamplifier
using a rotary volume control the mid-way position usually offers
approximately unity gain – with full volume corresponding to around
In 518 the unity-gain i.e. 0dB setting is at volume number 87. For normal
to high-level listening you should expect volume numbers in the region 60
to 90. For this reason 518 starts at power-up with volume number 87.


1. Press Out to cycle between the output word options.

The Out key is used to set the number of output bits. It is also used to set
consumer or professional channel-status output format. The choices are:

16C, 18C, 20C, 22C, 24C, 16P, 18P, 20P, 22P, 24P


