Appendix g. rs-232 command set – iOptron SmartStar MiniTower Pro User Manual

Page 42

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Appendix G. RS-232 Command Set

Abbreviations used:

DD or DDD degrees or day of the month depending on the context
HH hours
MM minutes or month depending on the context
MM.M minutes and tenths of minutes
s + or – sign, assumed to be + if omitted
SS seconds
SS.S seconds and tenths of seconds
YY last two digits of the year

General Telescope Information:

Command: :SG sHH#
Response: “1”
Set the offset from Greenwich mean time. The offset can be entered in signed format (-
12 to +12) hours.

Command: :Sg sDDD*MM:SS#
Response: “1”
Set the current longitude. The east is positive while the west is negtive.

Command: :St sDD*MM:SS
Response: “1”
Set the current latitude.

Command: :SL HH:MM:SS#
Response: “1”
Set the current local time.

Command: :SC MM/DD/YY#
Response: 32 spaces followed by “#”, followed by 32 spaces, followed by “#”
Set the current date.

Command: :GG#
East Longitude E HH:00#
West Longitude W HH:00#
Get the offset from Greenwich mean time.

Command: :Gg#
Response: sDDD*MM:SS#
Get the current longitude.
