[quit] command, [debug] command, [reboot] command – Planet Technology VIP-152T User Manual

Page 33: [pbook] command

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PLANET VIP-152T User’s Manual


4.2. [quit] command

Type quit/exit/close will logout VIP-152T and Telnet Program.

4.3. [debug] command

This command is for engineers to debug system of VIP-152T. User can add debug flag via command

debug –add “debug flags”, and then start debug function via command debug –open. When

VIP-152T is working on screen will display related debug messages. Most frequently used debug flag

are “sip”, “fsm”, “msg”…etc.

usr/config$ debug

Debug message information and configuration
debug [-add type1 [[type2]...]] | -open | -close | -status

-status Display the enabled debug flags.
-add Add debug flag.
-delete Remove specified debug flag.
-open Start to show debug messages.
-close Stop showing debug messages.
debug -add sip msg
debug -open


4.4. [reboot] command

After typing commit command, type reboot to restart the VIP-152T.

Sometimes after user type reboot, on terminal screen will display: "Data modified, commit to flash rom?”

which means VIP-152T will record call history or not. (Ex. REDIAL, outgoing and incoming call data)

4.5. [pbook] command

This command is functional both in Proxy mode and Peer-to-Peer mode. In proxy mode, use speed dial

or 10 DL button will dial out e.164 number in phone book. In the other hand, in peer-to-peer mode,

VIP-152T will dial out IP address.

1. -print: display phone book data. User can print all data in phone book by command
