RAD Data comm BLW-04EX User Manual

Page 18

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PPP over Ethernet

E nter t he PPPoE us er n am e an d pass word ass ig ned by yo ur Serv ice

Provider. The Service Name is normally optional, but may be required by

some service providers.

The MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit) governs the maximum size of the

d ata packets . Leave t his on t he defaul t value (1492 ) unl ess you have a

particular reason to change it.

Enter a Maximum Idle Time (in minutes) to define a maximum period of

time for which the Internet connection is maintained during inactivity. If the

connection is inactive for longer than the Maximum Idle Time, it will be

dropped. Enable the Auto-reconnect option to automatically re-establish the

connection when an application attempts to access the Internet again.

IP Address Pool

A dynamic IP start address may be specified by the user, e.g.

(default value). Once this start IP address has been assigned, IP addresses

running from to will be part of the dynamic IP

add ress poo l. IP addres ses from 19 2. 168 .1 .2 t o 1 92. 16 8. 1.9 9, and to will be available as static IP addresses.

Remember not to include the address of the BLW-04EX in the client address

pool. Also remember to configure your client PCs for dynamic IP address



Sp eci fy the WAN co nnect io n typ e pro vided b y your Int ernet Servi ce

P r o v i d e r, then click “More Configuration” to enter detailed confi guration

parameters for the selected connection type.
