Operating instructions, Service hints, Chimney maintenance – United States Stove Company 2007B User Manual

Page 12

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Wood Fuel

Use Hardwood that has been split and air-dried to obtain maxi-

mum burning efficiency.

lighting instructions

1. Open door and place paper and kindling in the firebox.

2. Light the fire and close the doors until the kindling is burning.

3. Open the doors and add fuel as desired.

extended operation

Fuel should be added in small amounts to give more complete

combustion and uniform room temperature.

Empty the ashes regularly. Do not allow ashes to build up.

Dispose of hot ashes properly in a metal container with a lid.


Do not expect a heater to draw. It is the chimney that creates

the draft. Smoke spillage into the house or excessive buildup of

water or creosote in the chimney are warnings that the chimney

is not functioning properly. Correct problem before using heater.

Possible causes are:

1. The connector pipe may push into the chimney too far,

stopping the draft. (Fig. 8)

2. Do not connect two heaters into the same chimney flue.

3. The chimney used for a heater must not be used to ventilate

the cellar or basement. If there is a cleanout opening at the

base of the chimney, It must be closed tightly.

4. If the chimney is operating too cool, water will condense in

the chimney and run back into the stove. Creosote formation

will be rapid and may block the chimney. Operate the heater

at a high enough fire to keep the chimney warm preventing

this condensation.

5. If the fire burns well but sometimes smokes or burns slowly, it

may be caused by the chimney top being lower than another

part of the house or a nearby tree. The wind blowing over

a house or tree, falls on top of the chimney like water over

a dam, beating down the smoke. The top of the chimney

should be at least 3 feet above the roof and be at least to

2 feet higher than any point of the roof within 10 feet.


Creosote - Formation and need for removal

When wood is burned slowly, it produces tar and other organic

vapors, which combine with expelled moisture to form creosote.

The creosote vapors condense in the relatively cool chimney

flue of a slow burning fire. As a result, creosote residue accu-

mulates on the flue lining. When ignited this creosote makes

an extremely hot fire.

The chimney connector and chimney should be inspected at

least twice monthly during the heating season to determine if a

creosote buildup has occurred.

If creosote has accumulated, it should be removed. Failure to

remove creosote may cause a house fire. Creosote may be

removed by using a chimney brush or other commonly avail-

able materials.

Chimney fires burn very hot. If the chimney connector should

glow red, immediately call the fire department, then reduce the

fire by closing the damper and pour a large quantity of coarse

salt, baking soda or cool ashes on top of the fire in the firebox.

Caution: A chimney fire may cause ignition of wall studs or

rafters which you thought were a safe distance from the chimney.

If you have a chimney fire, have your chimney inspected by a

qualified person before using again.


oPerate onlY With the FeeD anD ash

Doors FullY CloseD.


neVer store Flammable liQuiDs, esPe-

CiallY Gasoline. in the ViCinitY oF the



neVer use Gasoline, Gasoline-tYPe lan-

tern Fuel, Kerosene, CharCoal liGhter

FluiD, or Flammable liQuiDs to start or

"Freshen uP" a Fire in the heater.


oVerFirinG the aPPlianCe maY Cause a

house Fire. iF a unit or ChimneY ConneC-

tor GloWs, You are oVerFirinG.

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