Iv. appendix, Iv-1, Configuring your ip address – Edimax Technology EW-7238RPD User Manual

Page 41: Iv-1. configuring your ip address

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Configuring your IP address

Before you use the wireless extender, please make sure your computer is set
to use a dynamic IP address. This means your computer can obtain an IP
address automatically from a DHCP server. This is a simple procedure, which is
explained step by step in

IV-1-1. How to configure your computer to use a

dynamic IP address.


If your existing network setting is to use a static

IP address, then please and make a note of your static
IP before you switch to a dynamic IP address. This is
for your convenience if you wish to modify the IP
address of the wireless extender in future.

You can find your existing static IP by following the
steps in IV-1-2 How to modify the IP address of your PC
or Macintosh. Your static IP will be displayed in:

- Step 2 (Windows XP)

- Step 2 (Windows Vista)

- Step 6 (Windows 7)

- Step 7 (Windows 8)

- Step 5 (Mac)


Also make a note of your static IP if you are

going to modify the IP of your PC or Mac as shown in

IV-1-2. How to modify the IP address of your PC or

Unfortunately, not all networks support DHCP capability. In this case, you need
to use a static IP address for the wireless extender and your PC or Macintosh.
The wireless extender uses the default IP address, which may not
be in the same IP address subnet of your network; meaning you are unable to
access the browser based configuration interface. So, you need to modify the
IP address of your PC or Macintosh to 192.168.9.x (x = 1 – 254) in order to
access the browser-based configuration interface.

The procedure for doing so varies across different operating systems; please
