English – AASTRA 620d for Aastra 400 Quick User Guide User Manual

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Aastra 620d

Document Designation
• Document number: eud-1127 / 1.2
• Copyright © 03.2011 Aastra Technologies Limited

General Information
Your device has been supplied with a Quick Us-
er’s Guide, safety information and, where appli-
cable, with other device-specific information.
You will find this and other documents for your
device at www.aastra.com or
: www.aastra.com/docfinder.
Communication Systems
Your telephone can be used with different com-
munication systems; therefore, the operation dif-
fers according to system. The availability of the
functions, features, key assignments and products
also depends on the communication system.
Mark your communication system as follows:


Display Symbols (selection)

LED indicator



➀ Aastra 5000 ❏, Aastra X Series ❏, NeXspan ❏

Aastra 800

❏, OpenCom 100 ❏,

OpenCom 1000

➃ Aastra 400 ❏, Aastra IntelliGate® ❏

Call key:
• Set up a connection.
• R-key function.
Redial list:

➀/➁/➂: Press and hold down the
Call key.

➃: Press the Call key.

End key:
• Cut connection.
• Exit editor without changes.
• In a menu: Back to idle state.
• Press and hold down: Telephone


Loudspeaker key: Activates/deacti-
vates hands-free mode.
Softkeys: Executes displayed func-
tion above key.
Navigation keys:
• In a menu: Scroll forward and back-


• In lists: Navigate.
• In idle: Call up stored functions.
Correction key: Deletes the last char-
acter or goes back one step in the
Configurable side keys (on the left):
• Adjust current connection volume.
• Call up configured function.
Star key: Press and hold down to acti-
vate/deactivate ring tone.
Hash key: Press and hold down to
lock keypad.
Configurable side key (on the right):
Call up stored functions.

Radio link quality
(4 signal bars: good, 1 signal bar: bad)

State of charge

Microphone off

Ring tone off

More options available

New message in the voice mailbox

➀/➃: New text messages
➀/➃: Read text messages

Bluetooth® activated


• Flashes fast: Incoming call, enquiry


• Lit: Handsfree on.


Flashes slowly:

➀/➁/➂/➄: New entries in the info
area, alarm/appointment.

➃: New voice mail.

Flashes fast:
• Outside the system’s service area.


Lit: Battery charging.
