Disc-torso model – 3B Scientific MRI Torso, 15 Transverse Sections User Manual

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1 Parietal bone
2 Cerebral falx
3 Lateral ventricle
4 Choroid plexus
5 Third ventricle
6 Temporal muscle
7 Optic nerve [cranial nerve II]
8 Medial rectus
9 Eyeball
10 Ethmoidal cells
11 Dural venous sinus
12 Corpus callosum
13 Telencephalon (cerebrum)
14 Sphenoid (sphenoidal bone)
15 Lateral rectus
16 Retrobulbar fat (orbital fat body)
17 Cerebellar tentorium
18 Fourth ventricle
19 Cerebellum
20 External acoustic meatus
21 Mandible, condylar process
22 Nasal septum
23 Inferior nasal concha
24 Maxilla
25 Hard palate
26 Upper lip
27 Occipital bone
28 Basilar artery
29 Internal carotid artery
30 Longus capitis
31 Lateral pterygoid
32 Maxillary sinus
33 Masseter
34 Facial artery
35 Temporal bone, mastoid process
36 Medulla oblongata (bulb)
37 Rectus capitis lateralis
38 Parotid gland
39 Pharynx
40 Ramus of mandible
41 Tongue
42 Teeth
43 Cerebellar falx
44 Vertebral artery
45 Internal jugular vein
46 Medial pterygoid
47 Vertebra, spinous process
48 Vertebra, arch
49 Spinal cord
50 Vertebra, body
51 Inferior constrictor
52 Arytenoid cartilage
53 Thyroid cartilage

54 Laryngeal cavity
55 Trapezius
56 Proper muscles of back (erector spinae)
57 Levator scapulae
58 Longus colli
59 Common carotid artery
60 Sternocleidomastoid
61 Platysma
62 Anterior jugular vein
63 Oesophagus (Gullet)
64 Sternohyoid
65 External jugular vein
66 Thyroid gland
67 Rib
68 Apex of lung
69 Cervical nerves, anterior rami (ventral rami)
70 Trachea (Windpipe)
71 Rhomboid major
72 Infraspinatus
73 Subscapularis
74 Azygos vein
75 Humerus
76 Axillary artery
77 Axillary vein
78 Intercostal muscles
79 Lung
80 Superior vena cava
81 Pectoralis major
82 Sternum
83 Scapula
84 Deltoid
85 Brachial plexus
86 Pectoralis minor
87 Aorta
88 Latissimus dorsi
89 Triceps brachii
90 Brachial artery
91 Brachial vein
92 Heart, left atrium
93 Heart, right atrium
94 Right coronary artery
95 Costal cartilage
96 Serratus anterior
97 Biceps brachii
98 Left coronary artery
99 Heart, left ventricle
100 Heart, right ventricle
101 Internal thoracic artery and vein
102 Liver
103 Inferior vena cava
104 Stomach
105 Hepatic portal vein
106 Spleen

This is a model of a male torso of natural size divided into 15 horizontal slices cut at different levels. The individual slices
can be moved out on a metal bar, and can be rotated along the sagittal axis to view the underside. On both the upper and
lower sides of each slice the anatomical structures, such as bones, muscles, organs, blood vessels and nerves are shown as
horizontal sections. The most important structures are listed on the following pages using current international nomencla-
This transverse section MRI torso is especially suited to the interpretation and therefore more effective understanding of
tomography images; particularly as they were developed using computer or MRI imaging (CT, MRT).

Total height with tripod: 1.20 m
weight: approx. 26 kg

Disc-Torso Model
