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Global Water



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Table File Mode:
This powerful feature allows you to load a
user defined tables for correlating level

measurements to flow. The table file is a
text file with each line containing a water level in feet,
followed by the corresponding flow in cubic feet per
second, separated by either spaces or commas. You

can adjust the flow units in software but the units in
this file must be Feet and CFS. A descriptive header
of any length can be included at the top of the file to
describe it. The file must contain at least two and no

more than 1000 entries, and have a .tbl extension.
While not required, it is recommended that the file be
stored in the “Tables” directory where the flow

software is installed. The level must be increasing
as the lines of the file progress and it is assumed that if there is no level of zero in
the table, it will correspond to a flow of zero. The path and file name of this table are
stored in the logger along with all other configuration information, but the table

information is not. Connecting the FL16 logger to a computer without this file stored
in the correct folder will generate warning messages and will prevent water level data
from being converted to flow until the file is found.

Display Parameters:
These parameters control the way the flow and velocity data is displayed in the bar
graphs on the main screen only, they do not affect recorded data in any way. For
the Manning’s equation mode, both water flow and velocity are displayed. Flumes,

weirs and lookup tables will show flow only.

The available units are selected from pulldown
menus and the number corresponding to the top
of the bar graph is typed into the data field.
