Electronics International UBG-16 User Manual
Page 25
3. Takeoff:
3. Takeoff:
3. Takeoff:
3. Takeoff:
3. Takeoff:
During takeoff, check the Bar Graph Display for proper EGTs. It is also vital to pay close attention to the
Oil Pressure.
If you have activated all canceled alarms and the High and Low Limits have been set properly, the UBG will
automatically diagnose your engine during takeoff. Activate all alarms by pushing the Step Switch to the
right until the word “SCAN” appears in the digital display. For the first few seconds of the takeoff roll, the
UBG may indicate a temporary alarm because the engine temperatures have not yet exceeded the pro-
grammed Low Limits. If a problem occurs, a red External Warning Light will alert you to that problem.
4. Climb:
4. Climb:
4. Climb:
4. Climb:
4. Climb:
During climb, check the Bar Graph Display for proper EGT and CHT levels. Also, it is important to pay
close attention to Oil Temperature and Pressure.
If the High and Low Limits have been set properly, the UBG will automatically diagnose your engine during
climb. If a problem occurs, a red External Warning Light will alert you to that problem.
An EGT Low Temperature Warning may occure during a climb in non-turbocharged aircraft. As an aircraft
climbs, the air gets thinner and the engine will run richer. When this happens the EGTs will drop and may
violate the Lower EGT Limits. If you choose to lean during climb, do not allow the EGTs to exceed
1300’F for throttle settings above 75% power. Refer to the engine and aircraft operator’s manual for proper
leaning during climb.
5. Cruise:
5. Cruise:
5. Cruise:
5. Cruise:
5. Cruise:
It’s a good practice to lean your engine in cruise. A rich running engine wastes fuel. At cruise and during
descent, a properly leaned engine means less spark plug fouling, longer life for the plugs, reduced mainte-
nance costs, and cleaner combustion chambers with fewer lead salt deposits on the pistons and exhaust
The UBG’s unique features allow precise leaning of an engine to any desired temperature by eliminating
false peaks, indicating the first cylinder to reach peak and the peak temperature reached, indicating as each
cylinder passes peak, and displaying temperatures below peak.
To lean your engine, check the engine manufacturer’s recommended procedures. It is not recommended to
lean to peak EGT above 75% power settings. The richer mixture is needed to cool the combustion tempera-
tures and keep the antiknock capability of the fuel high enough to prevent detonation from occurring at the
higher power settings.
After leaning, put the UBG into the Normalized Operating Mode to check for any abnormal long-
term trends in the EGTs.
If the High and Low Limits have been set properly, the UBG will automatically diagnose your engine during
cruise. If a problem occurs, a red External Warning Light will alert you to the problem detected.