Electronics International US-8A User Manual
Page 11
B) Programming the Low Limit - If you have selected the Low Limit to be programmed there will be a bar
low in the far left hand corner of the left and right Display Windows. This bar indicates you are program-
ming the Low Limit. The Low Limit may be programmed as shown in steps A-1 and A-2.
To move from programming the Low Limit to programming the Differential Limit, place the Mode Selector
Switch in the Scn position once again. If the Differential limits and Shock-Cooling limits have already
been set, you may want to leave the programming mode at this time (see step A-4). Differential and Shock-
Cooling Limits will show up on each channel even though they only need to be programmed one time.
C) Programming the Differential Limit - There will be NO bars in the far left hand corner of the left and
right Display Windows. This indicates you are programming the Differential Limit. The Differential Limit
sets the maximum allowed difference between the hottest cylinder and the coolest cylinder for the analyzer
channels only. Analyzer channels would be EGTs or CHTs and always start with channel one. There is
only one Differential Limit for each Display Window. This limit can be set on any channel but only needs to
be set once. The Differential Limit may be programmed as shown in steps A-1 and A-2.
To program the Shock-Cooling Limit, place the Mode Selector Switch in the Scan position once again.
D) Programming the Shock-Cooling Limit - The Shock-Cooling limit will be preceded by an Sc in the
left and right Display Windows. The limit is displayed in seconds per one degree change. The Shock-
Cooling Limit may be programmed as shown in steps A-1 and A-2.
To program the High Limit, place the Mode Selector Switch in the Scan position once again and go to step A.
Every time you go to the Scan position you will be selecting the programmable limits as follows:
High Limit (set on each channel).
Low Limit (set on each channel).
Differential Limit (set once, shows up on all channels).
Shock-Cooling Limit (set once, shows up on all channels).
To leave the programming mode, see step A-4.
Blinking Digit
Operating Information