Specifications and operating features – Electronics International US-8A User Manual
Page 34
Model: US-8A
Weight: Unit only: 19 oz., One probe and 6 foot cable: 3.5 oz., One Probe and 20 foot cable: 7 oz.
Environmental: Meets TSO C43a
Power Requirements: 7.5 to 30 Volts, 1/10 Amp.
Display: LCDs (viewable in direct sunlight), with 12 and 24 volt backlight control wires for night operation
(channel indicators dim when your instrument panel lights are turned on).
Display Temperature Range: 1999F to -1999F
Accuracy: 1/2% in accordance with TSO C43a.
Resolution: 1F (with enhanced stability and response circuits).
Power-up Test: Flashes red Temp Prob lights during power-up if circuits are operating properly.
Probes: Type K, Ungrounded (for improved accuracy, stability and reliability).
Extension Cables: Type K, any length or size (you may use your existing type K cables to reduce cost and
installation time).
Channels: Maximum of 16 Channels, 8 for each display. The number of channels to be used is programmable (2
to 8 per display) from the front panel.
Analyzer Channels: 1 through 8 (EGT and/or CHT), Programmable from front panel.
Scan Rate: Programmable from the front panel for a 2 to 9 second delay per channel.
Peak Locate: Finds hottest analyzer channel within 1F for the right and left displays.
Hottest Cylinder Indicator: Indicates hottest analyzer channel during scan within 1F (lights a bar high in the
High Limits: Programmable in 1F increments from 1F to 1999F. Each channel for each display may be
programmed individually from the front panel.
Low Limits: Programmable in 1F increments from 1F to 1999F. Each channel for each display may be pro-
grammed individually from the front panel.