Non-linear output curve, Independent heat and cool pid, Variable time base – Watlow Series SD PID Profiling Controller User Manual

Page 71

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Wa t l o w S e r i e s S D

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C h a p t e r 1 2 F e a t u r e s

50% would result in an actual output power level of 50%.
But if the PID calculated power output is 100%, then the
power level will be 70%.

Power scaling establishes the maximum power output

and the minimum power output. The output power is
then linearly scaled within that range. The default val-
ues of Output Power Scale Low of 0% and Output Power
Scale High of 100% in effect disable power scaling.

Linear scaling allows the controller to do calculations

over the full range of power (0 to 100%) and adjust that
calculation within the actual output span. For instance,
if scale low is set to 15% and scale high is set to 80%, the
output power will always be between 15 and 80%. If the
PID calculation is 100%, the output power will be 80%,
which is the same result you would get from a power lim-
it of 80%. However, if the PID calculation for heat is 50%,
the output will be 50% of the allowable range, which
scales to an actual output of 47.5%.

Power limiting and power scaling affect the specified

output at all times, including in on-off control, manual
mode and autotuning.













ercent P



er Output


Power Limit 100%
Power Scale Low 0%
Power Scale High 100%

Power Limit 100%
Power Scale Low 15%
Power Scale High 80%

Power Limit 70%
Power Scale Low 0%
Power Scale High 100%

Power Limit 70%
Power Scale Low 15%
Power Scale High 80%

The Power Limit 1, 2 and 3 (

[PL`1], [PL`2] and

[PL`3]) and Output Power Scale Low 1, 2 and 3

[PSL1], [PSL2] and [PSL3]) and Output Power Scale

High 1, 2 and 3 (

[PSh1], [PSh2] and [PSh3]) appear in

the Setup Page. The calculated PID heat and cool power
values can be viewed with Power Heat

[Po;ht] and Pow-

er Cool

[Po;CL] parameters in the Operations Page.

Non-linear Output Curve

A non-linear output curve may improve performance

when the response of the output device is non-linear. If
Output Non-linear Function is set to curve 1

[Cru1] or

curve 2

[Cru2], a PID calculation yields a lower actual

output level than the linear output provides. These out-
put curves are used in plastics extruder applications.
Curve 1 is for oil cooled extruders and curve 2 is for wa-
ter cooled extruders.

Change the linearity for each output with Out-

put Non-linear Function 1, 2 or 3 (

[nLF1], [

nLF2] or


nLF3]) in the Setup Page.

Actual Output P











PID Calculation


Curve 1

Curve 2

Independent Heat and Cool PID

In an application with one output assigned to heat-

ing and another assigned to cooling, each will have a
separate set of PID parameters and separate dead bands.
The heating parameters take effect when the process
temperature is lower than the set point and the cooling
parameters take effect when the process temperature is
higher than the set point.

Adjust heat and cool PID parameters are Operations




Set Point

Heating Side Proportional Band

Heating Side Dead Band

Cooling Side Dead Band

Cooling Side Proportional Band

Variable Time Base

Variable time base is the preferred method for con-

trolling a resistive load, providing a very short time base
for longer heater life. Unlike phase-angle firing, variable-
time-base switching does not limit the current and volt-
age applied to the heater.

With variable time base outputs, the PID algorithm

calculates an output between 0 and 100%, but the output
is distributed in groupings of three ac line cycles. For
each group of three ac line cycles, the controller decides
whether the power should be on or off. There is no fixed
cycle time since the decision is made for each group of
cycles. When used in conjunction with a zero cross (burst
fire) device, such as a solid-state power controller, switch-

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