Start-up – Mammoth 2 to 6 Tons: High Efficiency, Superior IAQ Single Circuit Vertical (B-Vintage) User Manual

Page 10

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MAMM-WSHP-IOM-1BA (February 2012)

1. Open all valves to full open position and turn on

power to the heat pump.

2. Set room temperature sensor for “Fan Only” opera-

tion by selecting “Off” at the system switch and
“On” at the fan switch. If “Auto” fan operation is se-
lected, the fan will cycle with the compressor.
Check for proper air delivery.

3. Units have time delays which help protect the com-

pressor(s) against short cycling. In the cooling
mode, after 30 seconds of operation, check the
discharge grilles for cool air delivery. Measure the
temperature difference between entering and leav-
ing water. It should be approximately 1 ½ times
greater than the heating mode temperature differ-

4. In the heating mode, measure the temperature dif-

ference between entering and leaving air and en-
tering and leaving water. With entering water of 60°
F to 80°F, leaving water should be 6°F to 12°F
cooler, and the air temperature rise through B-
Vintage vertical units should not exceed 35°F. If
the leaving air temperature falls below 35°F, adjust
water flow to the unit to >3 gpm/ton to avoid freeze
damage to the unit.


5. Fill the p-trap with water to ensure that negative

pressure does not pull drain gases into the unit.

6. Check the elevation and cleanliness of the conden-

sate line. If the air is too dry for sufficient dehumidi-
fication, slowly pour enough water into the conden-
sate pan to ensure proper drainage.

7. If the unit does not operate, check the following

a) Is supply voltage to the unit compatible?
b) If the unit operates but stops after a brief period:

i) Is there proper airflow? Check for dirty filter,
incorrect fan rotation or incorrect ductwork.
ii) Is there proper water flow rate within tem-
perature limits? Check water balancing; back-
flush unit if dirt clogged.
iii) See troubleshooting guide on page 21 for
more tips.
