5 rdo calibration, Oxygen saturation point (100%) calibration, Zero oxygen point (0%) calibration – In-Situ S2XP Restrictor for TROLL 9500—Installation and Calibration Instructions User Manual

Page 3: Instruction sheet

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Instruction Sheet

10. Refresh Win-Situ 4 to ensure all sensors are correctly

attached to the TROLL 9500. pH, ORP, Conductivity,
and Rugged Dissolved Oxygen should appear under
Parameters in the Navigation tree.

11. Rotate restrictor B onto the TROLL 9500 body. Do not

fully attach the RDO sensor to the restrictor cap yet.

RDO Calibration

The RDO sensor should be calibrated prior to being fully
installed into the S2XP restrictor. Normally, a one-point
100% saturation calibration is sufficient.

A two-point (100% and 0% saturation) calibration is
recommended when very low DO values (<1 mg/L) are
expected, or after the sensor cap has been replaced.
Standard Operating Procedures may also require a
two-point calibration.

Oxygen Saturation Point (100%) Calibration

1. Remove the two batteries from inside the bubbler and

install them into the air pump, as shown on the
diagram on the inside of the air pump lid.

2. Fill the bubbler with clean water that is similar in

temperature to what is expected in the field.

3. Turn on the bubbler. Open the pinch valve on the

bubbler tubing and allow the bubbler to run for 10
minutes. For best results, run at the full flow rate to
achieve saturation; after 10 minutes you can use the
control valve to match the water turbulence conditions
expected in the field.

4. Lay the TROLL 9500 on its side and insert the RDO

sensor into the bubbler. See Figure 1.8. Ensure that
the sensing element is not in the direct path of the

Figure 1.8 Calibrating the RDO sensor

5. In Win-Situ 4, select Rugged Dissolved Oxygen in

the Parameters list.

6. Before the DO Calibration Wizard starts, you will be

asked how you want to handle barometric pressure. If
the TROLL 9500 will be deployed on a vented cable,
click No. If it will be deployed on a non-vented cable,
click Yes.

7. Three calibration options appear. Select the first or

second option:


Calibrate: Starting from values stored in the sensor
(user-set or factory defaults) for the 0% and 100%
calibration, this allows the user to redo one or both
calibration points.


Restore defaults, then calibrate: Restores factory
defaults for both 0% and 100%, then allows the user to
redo one or both calibration points.


Restore defaults, don't calibrate: Restores factory
defaults for both 0% and 100% saturation and closes
the Calibration Wizard.

8. Click Run. Follow the on-screen instructions to

complete the 100% calibration point.

9. When readings have stabilized, you will have several



Select Next to continue with the zero oxygen point if
you are performing a two-point calibration. Zero point
oxygen calibration steps are listed below.


Select Next, then Next again, then click Finish to
finalize the one-point calibration.


Select Run to repeat the one-point calibration. Follow
steps 5-9 to repeat the calibration.

Zero Oxygen Point (0%) Calibration

Perform a 0% calibration only after completing the steps
listed above.

1. Remove the RDO sensor from the bubbler.

2. Fill the Cal Cup 1/2 full with sodium sulfite solution.

3. Submerge the RDO sensor in the solution, and

ensure there are no air bubbles on the sensing

4. Allow 15 minutes for temperature equilibration.




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