HP iPAQ hw6500 Unlocked Mobile Messenger series User Manual
User’s guide
Table of contents
Document Outline
- Getting to Know Your HP iPAQ Mobile Messenger
- Learning the Basics
- Using ActiveSync
- Learning Input Methods
- Using the Phone Features
- SIM Card
- Activating Your Phone Service
- Your PIN
- Phone Buttons and Icons
- Checking Your Connection and Signal Strength
- Turning the Phone On and Off
- HP Profiles
- Making and Receiving Phone Calls
- Making a Call
- Answering a Call
- Ending a Call
- Making a Call from Contacts
- Making a Call Using Speed Dial
- Making a Call From Call History
- Making a Conference Call
- Adjusting Phone Volume
- Enabling the Mute Function
- Setting Ring Tones
- Enabling Speakerphone Mode
- Taking Notes During a Call
- Using Voicemail
- Putting a Call on Hold
- Using Call Waiting
- Displaying Caller ID
- Blocking Calls
- Forwarding Calls
- Changing the System Volume
- Change the Ringer Volume
- Changing the Phone Settings
- Changing Service Settings
- Viewing Available GSM/GPRS/EDGE Networks
- Using International Roaming
- Changing Network Settings
- Configuring Your HP iPAQ for Your SIM Card
- Modifying the GSM/GPRS Network Settings
- Failed Automatic SIM Detection
- TTY Functionality for the Hearing-Impaired
- Managing Multiple Wireless Connections
- Making Data Connections
- Using GPS Navigation
- Getting Acquainted
- Getting Started with GPS Navigation
- Setting Up Your HP iPAQ
- Using HP iPAQ Quick GPS Connection Utility
- Verifying Date and Time on Your HP iPAQ
- Downloading the Quick GPS Connection Data File
- Starting GPS Navigation
- Downloading a Map
- Accessing the Internet on Your HP iPAQ
- Viewing the Main Screen
- Operating the Main Screen
- Using the Menu
- Setting a Destination
- Adding a Favorite
- Using the Route Summary Screen
- Using the Map Browser
- Switching to a Schematic View
- Using the Browsers
- Selecting Locations
- Setting Your Preferences
- Using Bluetooth
- Getting Acquainted with Bluetooth
- Working with Bluetooth Settings
- Working with Bluetooth Manager
- Connecting to Other Devices
- Working with Files
- Opening a Connection
- Using the Camera Features
- Expansion Cards
- Using Messaging
- Managing the Battery
- Troubleshooting
- Regulatory Notices
- Environmental Notices
- Battery Warning
- Disposal of Waste Equipment by Users in Private Household in the European Union
- Likvidace zaøízení soukromÆmi domácími u˛ivateli v Evropské unii
- Bortskaffelse af brugt udstyr hos brugere i private hjem i EU
- Seadmete jäätmete kõrvaldamine eramajapidamistes Euroopa Liidus
- Laitteiden hävittäminen kotitalouksissa Euroopan unionin alueella
- Élimination des appareils mis au rebut par les ménages dans l'Union européenne
- Entsorgung von Altgeräten aus privaten Haushalten in der EU
- Б²ьссйшз Ьчсзуфпх еоп²лйумпЖ б²ь чсЧуфет уе йдйщфйкЬ нпйкпкхсйЬ уфзн Ехсщ²бъкЧ ¸нщуз
- Készülékek magánháztartásban történõ selejtezése az Európai Unió területén
- Smaltimento delle apparecchiature da parte di privati nel territorio dell'Unione Europea
- Vartotojø i² privaèiø namø ûkiø árangos atliekø ²alinimas Europos Sàjungoje
- Nolietotu iekârtu iznîcinâ²anas noteikumi lietotâjiem Eiropas Savienîbas privâtajâs mâjsaimniecîbâs
- Verwijdering van afgedankte apparatuur door privé- gebruikers in de Europese Unie
- Eliminering av utstyr i privathusholdningen i Den europeiske unions medlemsland
- Pozbywanie siê zu¿ytego sprzêtu przez u¿ytkowników w prywatnych gospodarstwach domowych w Unii Europejskiej
- Destruição, por Utilizadores na União Europeia, de Equipamento Usado no Lixo Doméstico
- Bortskaffande av avfallsprodukter från användare i privathushåll inom Europeiska Unionen
- Odstranjevanje odslu˛ene opreme uporabnikov v zasebnih gospodinjstvih v Evropski uniji
- Likvidácia vyradenÆch zariadení v domácnostiach v Európskej únii
- Eliminación de residuos de equipos eléctricos y electrónicos por parte de usuarios particulares en la Unión Europea
- Specifications