4 geometry settings – Triton Bathymetry User Manual

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5.1.4 Geometry Settings

There are two options here for
vessel offsets: either pole/hull
mounted; or towed configurations.

Vessel Mounted: Offsets can
be read directly from the raw
XTF data file if it was
entered during acquisition.
Alternatively the


button allows the user to
enter the vessel offsets and
generate a vessel geometry
file, and the



allows users to load a vessel
geometry file already created.
Shown right is an example of a
vessel geometry file. In
addition to measured vessel
offsets, this is where the patch
results are entered.

Multipliers: if the pitch or
heave was already corrected in
real-time, then the multiplier
needs to be set = 0; also some
heave sensors use an opposite
sign convention from Triton with
negative pointing down (for
Triton z = + down), these need the multiplier set = -1.

Towfish Configuration: For towed interferometric sonars producing bathymetry
data, it is possible to apply typical sidescan layback options.

Vehicle Depth: Note that both options above will compensate for the sonar depth
based on pressure data if this box is checked.
