Audio alarm, Encode message format – MagTek MODEL MT-85 User Manual

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MT-85 RS-232 Reader/Encoder


Audio Alarm

The audio alarm beeps once when a card is read or encoded successfully. The alarm beeps three
times for a read or encode error. The alarm also beeps when a message is transmitted to the unit;
one beep for a good receipt of the message, three for an error in receipt of the message. The unit
beeps three times for a time-out error that occurs if a card is not swiped within 30 seconds.


The format of the encoded data for three tracks is as follows:

<STX> <SS> track data 1 <ES> <SS> track data 2 <ES> <SS> track data 3 <ES> <ETX>



is the Start of Text character (0x02, or control B on the keyboard).
This character prepares the Encoder to receive a message.


is the Start Sentinel for each track to be encoded. Each track of
card data must start with its identifying Start Sentinel and end with
an End Sentinel (which is always a question mark (?)). You may
encode any combination of the three tracks, but they must be sent
in 1, 2, 3, order. The Start Sentinels are as follows:

Track SS Symbol




percent sign

7-bit format




5-bit format



plus sign

5-bit format

track data

is the actual data to be encoded on each track. These must be legal
characters for that track. That is, you cannot encode letters on
Tracks 2 and 3 in 5-bit format, so these should not be sent. (See
Appendix A.)


is the End Sentinel for each track encoded. The End Sentinel is a
question mark (?) for all three tracks. This must end each set of
track data.


is the End of Text character (0x03, or control C on the keyboard).
When this character is received by the encoder, it will switch to the
encode mode until either a successful encode or an abort command
is received.
