Model number parameter, Serial number parameter, Application message maximum response time – MagTek MCP User Manual

Page 22: Block wait timeout (bwt) parameter

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MCP Serial Transport Protocol


Model Number Parameter

Parameter ID: 01 (Hex)


This parameter is not supported.

Serial Number Parameter

Parameter ID: 02 (Hex)


This parameter is not supported.

Application Message Maximum Response Time

Parameter ID: 03 (Hex)


This parameter is not supported.

Block Wait Timeout (BWT) Parameter

Parameter ID: 04 (Hex)


This parameter is used to determine what block wait timeout value the device is using.

Result Codes:

Success = 00 (Hex)

The command always completes successfully.


The value of this parameter is a one byte field that can be in the range of 25 to 250. The actual
value of the block wait timeout is the value of this field multiplied by 10ms. For example, if the
value of this field is 25 (19 hex) the block wait timeout is 25 times 10ms which equals 250ms.
This parameter defaults to a value of 25 (250ms) after a power cycle or a reset.
