Campbell Scientific LoggerLink Mobile App for Android User Manual

Page 13

background image

Values are formatted based on type and, by default, include the

units defined in the datalogger program.
Touch and hold a settable value to open a page that allows you

to change the value. Boolean values can be changed by tapping

the On checkbox.
Current Setup

Selected Table

Select the table that will be displayed.

Select Fields

Select the fields that will be displayed.

Polling Interval

Select the interval at which the data will be updated. The

LoggerLink App will never poll faster than 1 time per


Show Units

Use the check box to specify whether or not units are


Field Options

Each field may be edited. Tap the button to the right of the

field name. This will display customization options for that

particular field. These options include:


The name that will be displayed for the field.


The measurement units that will be displayed for the field.


