Bushnell Discoverer User Manual

Page 13

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mODe OvervIeW OF PrODucT

explore: The Explore Mode of Discoverer provides the ability to explore various astronomical objects categorized

by object type. These objects would fall under one or more of the following types of objects: Deep Sky, Planets,

Constellations, and Stars. Each of these subheadings would also have subcategories of objects beneath their menu


sky tour: The Sky Tour Mode of Discoverer provides the ability to take a quick tour of the best and brightest objects for

any given month of the year. If the date has been input into the system, the Sky Tour Mode will automatically default to that

month. Objects can be chosen by using the scroll up or down arrows and pressing ENTER. To find out more information

about any given object press the ENTER button while that object is displayed to see the scrolling text message.

telescope: The Telescope Mode of Discoverer provides real-time data on where the telescope is pointing. Astronomical

Coordinates for Right Ascension (RA) and Declination (DEC) as well as Altitude (ALT) and Azimuth (AZ) are displayed

simultaneously. In addition, in the lower right-hand corner will be the abbreviation for the current constellation that the

telescope is pointed at.

identify: The Identify Mode of Discoverer provides the ability to identify any object within your telescope field of view

Subcategories for different classes of identifiable objects are included as well as an Identify Any option.

align star: The Align Star Mode of Discoverer provides the ability to align your telescope utilizing some astronomical

knowledge. By knowing where two stars are located in the sky, a novice user can quickly start utilizing the Discoverer

database to locate amazing astronomical objects.
