Maintenance of the step slider, Trouble shooting/friction points – Rock-Slide Engineering RAPTOR – STEP SLIDER User Manual

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Installation Instruction RSEI 119

c. Once that proper placement is achieved we recommend using a permanent

marker to outline the magnet on the door.

21. Re-check all wires to make sure they are completely secure and free from coming into

contact with any moving part to prevent system damage due to a cut wire

22. Reinstall all internal plastic and carpet pieces that were removed.
23. Make sure that all wires are tucked back and out of heavy traffic areas on the floor.

a. Route them toward the furthest back area underneath the rear seat

24. Close all doors
25. Insert the fuse into the holder on the POS+ side of the battery

26. Get in the vehicle. Start it and then turn the cutoff switch into the ON position. The red

Led light should come on. The system is now active. Wait for 10 seconds so the system

can check the system. Open your door and the step will actuate.


Please note the slider is a mechanical mechanism that requires maintenance to operate

properly. To keep the slider operating at an optimal level it needs to be maintained
with lubrication. We recommend using a Teflon based lubrication on the 7 indicated

points below to keep the slider operating smoothly. A good rule of thumb is every time

you change your engine oil. Heavy trail use will increase the frequency in lubrication.


The slider is powered by the truck’s battery when engine is off and powered by the
Truck’s engine while the vehicle is running. This will cause the slider to operate at

different speeds depending on if the truck engine is running or not.

If you feel the slider is sticking at certain points or the motor is stressing it may be

possible a friction point has developed during the install due to a variance in the slider
or truck’s construction


To identify a friction point that may be stressing the slider motor, look at the

slider from outside the truck and open and shut the truck door a couple of times
