Apple Pages User Manual

Page 78

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Chapter 4

Working With Styles


Following Paragraph Style: If you want a particular paragraph style to always

follow the current style when you press the Return key, choose the style from the

pop-up menu. For example, you might create a photo caption style that should

always be followed by a byline style.


Pagination & Break: Select how the paragraph can break across pages. You can

specify that lines of this paragraph should always stay together on the same page,

should stay with the following paragraph, or can only appear at the top of a page.

The last two of these are particularly useful for heading styles. Select the checkbox

labeled “Prevent widow & orphan lines” to prevent leaving individual lines on the

following or previous pages.

Choose a paragraph style
to follow the current one
when you press Return.

Select options to determine
how the paragraph breaks
across pages.

Choose a language for the
spelling dictionary to use.

Add a background color
to the paragraph.

Remove automatic
hyphenation or ligatures, if
they are selected for the

Set the text above or below
the surrounding text.
