Apple IP (AppleShare IP) Gateway User Manual

Page 32

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The Custom Install dialog box appears.

The Installer is set to create a folder on your startup disk called Apple IP
Gateway and to install the Gateway Manager in that folder. It automatically
installs all other gateway software in the System Folder on your current startup
disk. If you want to use those default locations, proceed to step 5. If you want to
install the Gateway Manager in an alternate location, or if you want to install
the gateway extensions into a different System Folder, you should now follow
the procedures in “Designating Software Locations,” later in this chapter. When
you have completed those procedures, return here and go on to step 5.


Click the checkboxes to select those items you wish to install.

To understand more about any item, click the small i on the far right of the list.
This opens an informational window, as shown by the following example, that
tells you what each piece of software does and what subitems, if any, are
included in the main listing.


Chapter 2 / Installation and Setup
