Operation considerations 8-2, Starting from ground control box 8-2, Stabiliser operation 8-2 – Snorkel MHP35 User Manual

Page 43: Self levelling stabilisers (option) 8-2, Emergency stop switch, 8-2, 8-4, 9-1, Starting from ground control box, 8-2, Caution, Warning, Operation

background image

Operation Considerations

To use this chap ter, first de cide whether you will be

ing and op



ing the MHP13/35 from the

ground con trol box or the plat form con trol box.

Be gin at the sec tion en ti tled "Starting From Ground

trol Box", if you in

tend to start and run the

MHP13/35 from the ground sta tion.

Be gin at the sec tion en ti tled "Starting From Plat -
form Con trol Box", if you in tend to start and run the
MHP13/35 from the plat form.

Starting From Ground Control Box

Be fore you be gin to op er ate the MHP13/35 from
the ground con trol box, a qual i fied op er a tor must
per form the "Daily In spec tion and Main te nance" as
de scribed in chap ter 7, of this man ual.

To start the en gine from the ground con trol box do
the fol low ing:

1. Set the Emergency Stop switch  to ON

(see Figure 8.3).

Figure 8.3 - Ground Control Box Starting

2. Set the Platform/Ground Selector switch €

to GROUND (see Figure 8.3).

3. Insert the key  (see Figure 8.3) into the

Master Key Switch and turn the key on.

4. If the engine is at ambient temperature

(cold), hold the Choke / Cold Start Switch

‚ (see Figure 8.3) up throughout the next

5. Turn the key to Start and hold it there un til

the en gine starts or for a max i mum time of 6
sec onds. When the en gine starts re lease the
key  and the choke switch ‚, if you used it
(see Figure 8.3).

If the engine does not start in 6 seconds turn
the key off and release the choke. Wait 60
seconds before trying to restart the engine
again. Continual cranking of the starter
motor will only result in its damage.

The en gine should now be run ning, and the
MHP13/35 is ready to be gin work.

Stabiliser Operation


The sta bi lis ers will only func tion when the booms
are stowed. Once the booms are raised the sta bi -
lis ers will not op er ate.

En sure the boom/sta bi liser switch (item ƒ on the
ground con trol box) (see Fig ure 8.3) is set to sta bi -

Ac ti vate the sta bi lis ers with the valve le vers en sur -
ing that the front sta bi lis ers are low ered first to pre -
vent dam age to the jockey wheel.

Ac ti vate the rear sta bi lis ers and level the ma chine
us ing the level bub ble ad ja cent to the con trol le -

When levelling the machine in either the
manual or automatic mode care is required
to ensure that all of the foot plates are firmly
on the ground, the machine is level and the
lift enable light
(item „ Fig 8.3, and item  Fig
8.4) is ON before entering the platform.

Self Levelling Stabilisers (Option)

Figure 8.4 - Auto Level Controls

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MHP13/35 – 12431A

8. Operation



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