Google Internet Keep Safe Workshop 1: Detecting Lies and Staying True Instructor Handbook User Manual

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(c) IKSC 2010 Copying allowed for incidental, classroom purposes.

Workshop 1: Detecting Lies and Staying True


Students will establish responsible behavior online by learning to evaluate and compare online
resources for quality, and by examining rules for appropriate ethical and legal behavior online.
This workshop is divided into two parts:

1. Detecting Lies.

2. Staying True.

In each part, a condensed version of a lesson plan will be delivered. Each of those lesson plans
can be easily adapted and developed into a more comprehensive lesson or unit. Additional
resources are also provided.
The workshop is accompanied by an Instructor’s Toolkit and a Handout Booklet for each student.

Lesson Plan 1 (approx. 25 min.):

Detecting Lies

Lesson Plan 2 (approx. 20 min.):

Staying True

Teaching Tips:

Take time to introduce yourself and share a little about your background and your interest in
the topic. Next, poll the students to find out what they already know about online behavior.
Finally, share a little about what you will be covering – just enough to peak their interest. After
the introduction and warm–up keep the momentum going.

1. Make sure your presentation is dynamic and engages the students. “Talking heads”

are boring. Make the audience work, calling on different people – male and female.

2. Keep moving so students have something to watch. Try not to get stuck in a corner.

Make eye contact with as many students as possible.

3. Research shows that youth respond better to positive rather than negative sets of

directions. Use positive rather than negative language. “Craft positive messages
and post positive images,” is much better received than “Don’t post bad things.”
Reinforce that positive behavior is the social norm.

4. Limit the amount you read from the board, screen or script. The script is an outline

only. Add your own words and character!

