Google Flix Engine Linux Reference Manual User Manual

Page 465

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7.13 CGI


global $flix;

print "<br>Encoder Status<br>";

$res= Flix2_GetEncoderState($flix);

print "&nbsp;Flix2_GetEncoderState: $res[1]<br>";

$res= Flix2_Errno($flix);

printf("&nbsp;Flix2_Errno: sc:%d flixerrno:%d syserrno:%d<br>",



function process_sc($func, $sc) {

global $flix;

echo "<td align=\"center\">$sc</td>";

if($sc != ON2_OK) {

$res = Flix2_Errno($flix);

printf("<td>Flix2_Errno: sc:%d %s:%d syserrno:%d</td>",


die("Error calling $func, sc= $sc;".

"esc= $res[0] Flix2_Errno( $res[1], $res[2] )\n");


echo "</tr>";


function SimpleGet($func) {

global $flix;

$res = call_user_func($func, $flix);

$sc = $res[0];

if($sc != ON2_OK) {die ($func . ’ failed: sc=’ . $sc);}

return $res[1];


function SimpleSet($func, $arg) {

global $flix;

echo "<tr><td>$func( $arg )</td>";

if(!strcmp($func,"Flix2_SetInputFile")||!strcmp($func,"Flix2_SetOutputFile")) {

$sc = call_user_func($func, $flix, $arg);

} else {

$sc = call_user_func($func, $flix, constant("$arg"));



return $sc;


function init_codec($name)


global $flix, $codec, $codecptr;

##if name is a codec name, e.g. FE2_CODEC_VP6, add an instance

##we’ll assume all Flix2_CodecSetParam’s relate to this codec until we

##hit the next codec name

if($codecptr) { delete_flix2plgnhandlep($codecptr); }

echo "<tr><td>Flix2_AddCodec( ".$name." )</td>";

$codecptr = new_flix2plgnhandlep();

$sc = Flix2_AddCodec($codecptr, $flix, constant("$name"));


#retrieve the codec handle to be used in all Codec API function calls

$codec = flix2plgnhandlep_value($codecptr);


function codec_interface($funcname, $name, $value)

Generated on Tue Jul 20 17:39:03 2010 for Flix Engine Linux by Doxygen
