Instrument interface: registers, Register controls – Precisionsound Tranzitone User Manual

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© Copyright Precisionsound 2012

Instrument interface: Registers

Our tour of the instrument interface begins with the Registers page, because this is the heart of the
Tranzitone. It is shown in the screenshot below.

The fifteen registers in the Upper Manual section are located in the upper part of the interface. The
five Bass Manual registers are in the lower left, and the nine registers in the Lower Manual section
are in the lower right.

Register controls

The register name is shown first, followed by a small horizontal slider that controls the
stereo pan position of the register.

The large vertical slider controls the register’s volume.

The second small horizontal slider controls the fine-tuning of the register (-/+60 cents).

The green button activates symphonic chorus, if available for the register.

The red button switches the register on/off.
