Delay and reverb – Precisionsound Tranzitone User Manual

Page 7

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© Copyright Precisionsound 2012

When symphonic chorus is activated, a different sample set is used for the register, featuring an
effect recorded from the source.

To reset the pan, volume, or tuning for a register, control-click or command-click the respective

In order to keep CPU usage reasonable when layering registers, we have configured the Tranzitone
with 64 notes of polyphony for each section of registers.

If all registers are switched off, Tranzitone will make no sound when MIDI notes are played.

Delay and Reverb

To the left of the registers page are two wooden dials that adjust the level of delay and
reverb for the instrument.

To enable easy access, these dials exist on all five interface pages.

Turning a dial fully to the left switches off the respective effect. If the effect is off, turning
its dial to the right will switch it on.

Further control over delay and reverb parameters is possible on the effects page, described later in
this manual.

Some of the Upper Manual register switches on the Electone
