Dulce Systems PRO DI User Manual

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PRO DI Installation and User’s Manual


RAID System Information

The System Information screen (under the Monitoring menu) provides a quick
overview of the PRO DI configuration. It shows the status and configuration of
the physical drives connected, the RAID setup and the Volumes assigned under
each RAID.

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PRO DI Installation and User’s Manual


RAID Creation

A new PRO DI is normally pre-configured and formatted, you might not need to
go through this process, check the Pre-Configuration sheet that came with the
PRO DI for details.

If you are changing the RAID configuration, you will need to 1st delete the RAID
then create a new RAID, see the Delete RAID section in this manual.

Creating a RAID set is easy; 1st create a RAID set of your choice with the disk
drives attached. 2nd create a Logical Volume under the new RAID set.

Click on the RAID menu and select Create. Select your desired options and click
Next. A number of preset RAID Profile is provided.

The Media Server – No Init profile will give you instant RAID availability, no need
to wait for long RAID format.
