LaMotte Dissolved Oxygen Water Quality User Manual

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Aquatic animals need dissolved oxygen to live. Fish, invertebrates, plants, and
aerobic bacteria all require oxygen for respiration. Oxygen dissolves readily
into water from the atmosphere until the water is saturated. Once dissolved in
the water, the oxygen diffuses very slowly and distribution depends on the
movement of the aerated water. Oxygen is also produced by aquatic plants,
algae, and phytoplankton as a by-product of photosynthesis.
The amount of oxygen required varies according to species and stage of life.
Dissolved Oxygen levels below 3 ppm are stressful to most aquatic organisms.
Dissolved Oxygen levels below 2 or 1 ppm will not support fish. Levels of 5 to 6
ppm are usually required for growth and activity.
This test kit uses the azide modification of the Winkler method for
determining dissolved oxygen.



Kit Contents ....................................................................... 2

Test Procedure

Part 1: Collecting a Water Sample...................................... 3
Part 2: Adding the Reagents ............................................... 4
Part 3: Titration ................................................................... 5

EPA Compliance ................................................................. 8

Dissolved Oxygen Fact Sheet............................................. 10

General Safety Precautions................................................ 13

Use Proper Analytical Techniques..................................... 14

Material Safety Data Sheets.............................................. 15

Kit Diagrams..................................................................... 21

Short Form Instructions ...................................... Back Cover

