Bio-Rad BioLogic DuoFlow Software User Manual

Page 5

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Enhanced Features

Below Threshold Fraction Collection
Threshold collection can now be set to occur below a defined threshold. This feature is
especially valuable for desalting and chromatofocusing applications where it may be
important to collect fractions below a set conductivity or pH reading.

Rack & Tube # and Rack & Grid # BioFrac fraction collector tube numbering
This software enhancement allows users to more easily identify fractions collected into
grid numbered racks, such as microtiter plates. In "Rack & Tube #" mode, the racks and
tubes are numbered in the order that they are filled. In "Rack & Grid #" mode the racks
are numbered in the order that they are filled and the tubes are numbered by the grid
position in the rack where the tube is located. Switching between the two modes is done
from the View menu and can be done at any time.

Time and Volume based chromatograms
This feature allows users to view chromatograms in both time mode and volume mode.
Users may switch between time and volume mode at any time. Volume mode displays
the run chromatogram in units of ml and time mode displays units in "minute.tenth" or
"HH:MM:SS". The default time unit is set in Options/Edit User Preferences. In Trace
Compare, volume mode is useful when comparing runs collected at different flow rates.

New Buffer Blending buffer systems
Two new predefined Buffer Blending buffer systems have been included in the BioLogic
DuoFlow 5.0 software. "N-methylpiperazine/Bis-Tris/Tris" is a broad range (pH 4.7 to 9.4)
multi-component buffer for applications that require a broad buffer pH range, such as pH
scouting. "Phosphate with Ammonium Sulfate" is a single component buffer for
hydrophobic interaction chromatography that uses 2.4 M ammonium sulfate as the salt.

"High Flow Non-Buffer Blending (1x)" Buffer System
This buffer system is used to run buffers of fixed composition (non-blending) at the high
flow rates available to Buffer Blending applications. When used, this buffer system allows
flow rates up to 20 ml/min (F10 pump heads) and 80 ml/min (F40 pump heads). For this
buffer system, buffers A and B are prepared at a 1x concentration rather than the 2x
concentration required for Buffer Blending. Buffer A is plumbed into the BioLogic
Maximizer A1 and B1 inlets, and Buffer B is plumbed into A2 and B2 inlets.

Trace Shifting in the Overlay View of Trace Compare
Shift Up and Shift Down functions have been added to the Trace Compare toolbar that
are used to shift traces vertically with respect to each other. Shifting allows the features of
individual chromatograms to be observed when comparing multiple chromatograms.

Trace Compare settings Retained
Trace Compare now retains display settings for each Compare. This facilitates the
retrieval of saved "views" of the data.

Online Help
The BioLogic 5.0 software online help has several enhancements including more than 60
new help topics and a Contents view.
