Index – Mercedes-Benz E-Wagon 2013 Owners Manual User Manual

Page 7

background image


Activating/deactivating ................. 237
Display message ............................ 261
Function/notes ............................. 210

Audio system

see separate operating instructions

Authorized Centers

see Qualified specialist workshop

Authorized Mercedes-Benz Center

see Qualified specialist workshop

Authorized workshops

see Qualified specialist workshop

AUTO lights

Display message ............................ 257
see Lights

Automatic engine start (ECO start/

stop function) .................................... 159

Automatic engine switch-off (ECO

start/stop function) .......................... 158

Automatic headlamp mode .............. 121

Automatic transmission

Automatic drive program ............... 166
Changing gear ............................... 164
DIRECT SELECT lever ..................... 162
Display message ............................ 271
Drive program display .................... 162
Driving tips .................................... 164
Emergency running mode .............. 169
Engaging drive position .................. 163
Engaging neutral ............................ 163
Engaging park position (AMG
vehicles) ........................................ 163
Engaging reverse gear ................... 163
Engaging the park position ............ 162
Kickdown ....................................... 165
Manual drive program .................... 167
Overview ........................................ 161
Problem (malfunction) ................... 169
Program selector button ................ 165
Pulling away ................................... 156
Selector lever ................................ 161
Shift ranges ................................... 166
Starting the engine ........................ 155
Steering wheel paddle shifters ...... 166
Transmission position display ........ 161
Transmission position display
(DIRECT SELECT lever) ................... 162
Transmission positions .................. 164

Automatic transmission

emergency mode ............................... 169


Bag hook ............................................ 296

BAS (Brake Assist System) ................. 67

BAS PLUS (Brake Assist System

PLUS) .................................................... 68

Battery (SmartKey)

Checking .......................................... 81
Important safety notes .................... 81
Replacing ......................................... 81

Battery (vehicle)

Charging ........................................ 350
Display message ............................ 259
Important safety notes .................. 348
Jump starting ................................. 352

Blind Spot Assist

Activating/deactivating ................. 237
Display message ............................ 264
Notes/function .............................. 214
see Active Blind Spot Assist


Adding DEF .................................... 173

BlueTEC (DEF) .................................... 410

Bottle holder ...................................... 306

Box (trunk) ......................................... 299

Brake Assist

see BAS (Brake Assist System)

Brake fluid

Display message ............................ 249
Notes ............................................. 412

Brake lamps

Display message ............................ 255


ABS .................................................. 67
BAS .................................................. 67
BAS PLUS ........................................ 68
Brake fluid (notes) ......................... 412
Display message ............................ 247
Driving tips .................................... 180
High-performance brake system .... 181
Important safety notes .................. 180
Maintenance .................................. 181
Parking brake ................................ 176
Warning lamp ................................. 277



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