4 725x initialization, Description, Syntax – ADLINK cPCI-7252 User Manual

Page 42: Arguments, 725x initialization, Description @ syntax @ arguments

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C/C++ Libraries

5.4 725X Initialization

@ Description

The PCI-7250 and cPCI-7252 cards are initialized according to the
card number. Because the PCI-7250 has a PCI bus architecture
and meets the plug and play design specification, the IRQ and
base_address (pass-through address) are assigned by the system
BIOS directly. Every PCI-7250 card has to be initialized by this
function before calling any other functions.

Note: Because the configuration of PCI card is handled by the sys-
tem, there are no jumpers or IRQ selection on the PCI board that
needs to be set up by the users.

@ Syntax

C/C++ (DOS)

U16 _7250_Initial (U16 *existCards, PCI_INFO


U16 _7252_Initial (U16 *existCards, PCI_INFO


C/C++ (Windows 95)

U16 W_7250_Initial (U16 *existCards, PCI_INFO


U16 W_7252_Initial (U16 *existCards, PCI_INFO


Visual Basic (Windows 95)

W_7250_Initial (existCards As Integer, pciInfo As

PCI_INFO) As Integer

W_7252_Initial (existCards As Integer, pciInfo As

PCI_INFO) As Integer

@ Arguments

existCards: The number of installed PCI-7250 cards. The

returned value shows how many PCI-7250 cards are installed in
your system.

pciinfo: It is a structure to memorize the PCI bus plug and play

initialization information, which is decided by the P&P BIOS. The
PCI_INFO structure is defined in ACL_PCI.H. The base I/O
