Running the 988 setup program, Connection, Setup menu – Monroe Electronics 988 User Manual

Page 9: Date and time

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Running the 988 Setup program

Click on the 988 icon on your desktop to start the program. It will first ask for the
comport connection to the 988’s USB (Programming) jack. If you completed the
installation for the 988 USB driver as mentioned in the previous section, Windows
assigned a COM port number for the USB port.

If you’re not sure what comport is
available, click No to search and
select the appropriate one,
otherwise, select Yes.

After selecting the comport, click on the Read from 988 button to see if
communications have been established. If an error occurs, click on the
Connection drop-down menu on the toolbar to select another comport, then try
reading from the unit again.

Main Screen Toolbar Functions


To select and open a comport to the 988 unit.

Setup Menu

Includes the following Sub Menus.

DATE and Time

Set GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) on the unit.
