Ball, strike, clear ball/strike, Hit, error, Home/guest score +1, -1 – Daktronics All Sport 100 Contro User Manual

Page 32: Ball: +1 n, Error: on, Team score: +1 home nn

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Ball, Strike, Clear Ball/Strike

The <BALL +1> and <STRIKE+1> keys increment the ball and strike digits. Pressing the
<CLEAR BALL & STRIKE>key clears the digits.

Note: If the ball count value is 4 when <BALL +1> is pressed, the value is blanked out. If the
strike count value is 3 when < STRIKE +1> is pressed, the value is blanked out.

LCD Display


Ball: +1

Press the <BALL +1> or < STRIKE +1> to increment the ball and strike


Press the <CLEAR BALL & STRIKE> key to clear the digits to zero.

Hit, Error

The <HIT> and <ERROR> keys are used to turn on the Hit or Error indicator or digits in the
table that follows, <ERROR> is used as an example.

LCD Display


Error: ON

Press the <HIT> or <ERROR> key to turn on the hit or error indicator

or digits.

This display appears briefly.

Home/Guest Score +1, -1

The <HOME SCORE +1> and <HOME SCORE -1> and <GUEST SCORE +1> and <GUEST
> keys are used to increment or decrement their respective totals.

LCD Display


Team score: +1

nn = current setting

Press the appropriate home or guest <SCORE +1> or

<SCORE -1> key to increment or decrement the total number of runs

for the team. The LCD shows which key was pressed and the new

value for the corresponding team.

The <EDIT> key permits the user to select and edit Runs +1 or –1.

First, press <EDIT> and the key for the home or guest field to be edited,

then enter the correct number on the number pad and press



Baseball Operation
