Fluke Biomedical 37-040 User Manual

Page 8

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Nuclear Associates 37-040 & 37-041
Operators Manual


1.6.4 Ultraviolet Light

The radiation sensitive component in the dosimetry media has increasing sensitivity to radiation as the
wavelength of the radiation decreases below that of visible light. Therefore, exposure to any source
containing an ultraviolet component, including sunlight, is not recommended.

1.6.5 Microwave Radiation

Microwave radiation may cause heating or other deleterious effects in exposed dosimeters/dosimetry
media, and exposure to such sources should be avoided.

1.6.6 Solvents

Long-term contact with many aqueous and non-aqueous solvents has been found to cause exposed
dosimetry media to change irreversibly from blue to red. It is therefore recommended that exposed
dosimeters/dosimetry media be kept away from all aqueous and non-aqueous solvents, as well as the
vapors of solvents. If a solvent is accidentally spilled on an exposed dosimeter/dosimetry media, the spill
should be blotted up with an absorbent, lint-free paper or cloth. If the solvent is volatile, the last traces
may be removed by drying in an airstream at ambient temperature (<25°C).

If the liquid is not volatile, it is permissible to quickly rinse the dosimeter/dosimetry media in isopropanol.
The excess isopropanol should be immediately blotted dry and the last traces removed by blowing in a
cool airstream (<25°C).

Table 1-1. Typical Dose Calibration Curves with a

Spectrophotometer (24 hours after irradiation at 25°C)


cal De



400 Nanometers

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