Kemppi FastMig Pulse 350 User Manual

Page 20

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1.5 – 5.0 A

Factory Setting: 3.5A

The alarm level of wire feed motor current.
Check/service wire feed mechanism,
adjustment and gun components.

WF End Step


Factory Setting: OFF

ON: The filler wire steps forward at the end
of the welding cycle.
OFF: Filler wire remains static at the end of
the welding cycle.



Factory Setting: ON

Automatic SuperSnake Wire Inch feature.
When ON, the Wire Inch button drives the
filler wire automatically up to SuperSnake.

Gas Guard


Factory Setting: OFF

Turns the gas guard on and off, provided
that one is installed.


Change PIN Code

Administrator pin code

Factory PIN code: 0000


PIN code inquiry selection:
OFF / StartUp / Menu

Factory Setting: OFF

OFF: No PIN code inquiry.
StartUp: Setup panel (P65) always asks for
the PIN code when the machine is turned
on. PF 65 is not affected and always works
without PIN.
Menu: Setup panel (P65) asks every
time for PIN code when MENU button is
pressed and when the display is in channel
info mode i.e. in start-up view. PIN code
inquiry is made only once when entering
the menu. After that the menu button can
be pressed any time without PIN inquiry.

4.3.3 Welding software delivery profile

FastMig Pulse is designed to allow customer specified welding software choice. Following

delivery and installation your machine will include welding software specified at the point of

order. The tables below show typical welding programs, but there are more of them available.

Please check availability from your supplier. If the delivery specification is focused to a specific

project and you wish to update the machine in the future, you can select additional welding

software from the Wise & Match software products. Order and load these software products to

your machine with Kemppi DataGun field program device.
Wise and Match products provide optional welding application solutions. Wise and Match

products menu includes special weld process for (1) root pass and (2) thin plate welding, (3)

auto power regulation and (4) arc length recognition, (5) minilog function, plus additional

base material welding programs and optional panel function.

1. WiseRoot


2. WiseThin


3. WisePenetration


4. WiseFusion


5. MatchLog


Kemppi DataStore offers new welding software packages and special enhanced arc

performance solutions. Customization of FastMig Pulse systems can make welding more

efficient. Solutions offered are designed to meet the needs of wide ranging welding

You can order materials specific welding programs and/or Wise solutions separately through

Datastore or via your local supplier.

FastMig Pulse 350, 450


This manual is related to the following products: