Changes in version 4.5, New "zero length edit" message – Teac MMR-8 v4.5 User Manual

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TASCAM MMR-8/MMP-16 Version 4.5 Owner’s Manual Update


Changes in Version 4.5

The following functional changes and bug fixes have been made to the MMR-8/MMP-16
software in Version 4.5. These changes are explained in detail in this document:

Ø Fixes for using the Soundmaster" controller with M2 Machines
Ø Added ability to import files from the latest Fairlight systems
Ø New safety modes for renaming and deleting projects
Ø New "Zero Length Edit" message
Ø New error message: "Can't verify TapeMode to Non-Destr"
Ø Fix for fade times of projects taken to a Pro Tools system

Fixes for using MMR-8/MMP-16 with the "Soundmaster"
controller (New M2 Hardware Only)

In previous versions, users would experience erratic behavior when using the MMR-8/MMP-16
with the popular "Soundmaster" system. These problems have been corrected in version 4.5.

NOTE: Version 4.5 contains these fixes for new "M2 version" MMR-8/MMP-16 hardware
ONLY. Future software releases will expand this fix to also work on all MMR-8/MMP-16
hardware. If you are not sure which type of hardware you have, contact Tascam with your serial

Added ability to import files from the latest Fairlight

In previous versions, the MMR-8/MMP-16 could not load and play files generated from the latest
software versions of Fairlight systems. This has now been corrected.

New safety modes for renaming and deleting projects

In previous versions, the user was allowed to rename or delete a project while that project was in
the process of a backup or tape mode convert. Attempting to do so could result in corrupted data.
The user is now "locked out" of renaming or deleting a project, if that project is currently being
backed up or Tape Mode converted.

New "Zero Length Edit" message

In previous versions, the software would allow the user to select two edit points that were the
same time value, and thus were of "zero length". Attempting to copy or paste an "zero length edit"
could result in a system crash.

This has now been corrected. If the user tries to copy a region that contains a length of zero, the

display will then read "Zero Length Edit".

This manual is related to the following products: