Edelbrock 2802 User Manual

Big victor (spread-port) intake manifolds, Installation instructions

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Part #2801-2806, 28001-28004 & 28081- 28084
Rev. 11/10 - AJ/mc

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©2010 Edelbrock LLC

Brochure #63-0339


For Standard and Tall Deck Big Block Chevrolet

V8s Using Spread-Port Style Cylinder Heads

Part #s 2801, 2802, 2803, 2804, 2805, 2806, 28001,

28002, 28003, 28004, 28081, 28082, 28083 & 28084



PLEASE study these instructions carefully before beginning this installation. Most installations can be accomplished with common tools and
procedures. However, you should be familiar with and comfortable working on your vehicle. If you do not feel comfortable performing this installation,
it is recommended to have the installation completed by a qualified mechanic. If you have any questions, please call our Technical Hotline at:
, 7:00 am - 5:00 pm, Pacific Standard Time, Monday through Friday.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Proper installation is the responsibility of the installer. Improper installation

will void your warranty and may result in poor performance and engine or vehicle damage.

DESCRIPTION: Big Victor intake manifolds are designed for big block Chevrolet engines using spread-port style cylinder heads such as Edelbrock Big
Victor, Dart Big Chief, Profiler Raptor or Brodix Big Duke cylinder heads (See

Applications below for specific descriptions). These intake manifolds are

designed for competition applications only. They are not intended to be used on the street as they do not have provisions for chokes, emission
components, etc.

NOTE: It is the responsibility of the end user to verify conformity to a particular racing

association’s rules regarding manifold dimensions, fitment to a template, etc.


2801, 28001, 28081, 2802, 28002 & 28082:

Manifolds are designed for use with Edelbrock Big Victor, Dart Big Chief or Profiler Raptor

Cylinder heads. #2801, 28001 & 28081 fit standard 9.8” deck height blocks, while #2802, 28002 & 28082 fit tall 10.2” deck height
blocks. These manifolds are recommended for use on large displacement, high revving engines.

2803 & 2804:

#2803 fits standard deck height blocks and #2804 fits tall deck height blocks. Both manifolds feature undersized port

exits that can be machined to fit any aftermarket spread-port BBC head (Edelbrock, Brodix, Dart, Raptor, etc.). These manifolds are
designed with a smaller runner cross section for lower displacement engines or those designed to produce peak power below 6500
rpm (such as marine applications).

2805, 28003, 28083, 2806, 28004 & 28084:

Manifolds are designed for use on large displacement, high revving engines equipped with

Brodix Big Duke cylinder heads They are similar to #2801/2802, 28001/28002 & 28081/28082 respectively, except they feature
runner exits more closely matched to the Brodix cylinder head. #2805, 28003 & 28083 are designed for standard deck height
blocks, while #2806, 28004 & 28084 are designed for tall deck height blocks.

CARBURETOR RECOMMENDATIONS: Appropriate 4500 series racing carburetor. If mounting the carburetor directly on the carb pad, it may be

necessary to machine clearance for the accelerator pump arm on the carb pad.

CARBURETOR SPACERS: Testing has shown, in certain applications, additional torque is available with the use of a one-inch thick, open (not 4-

hole) carburetor spacer on Big Victor intake manifolds. Edelbrock spacer #8718 offers a closer match to the semi-cloverleaf opening in the Victor
Spread-Port manifold, and #8717 is a standard open, non-cloverleaf spacer. Applications using an open spacer, throttle stop or diffuser (such as
the Super Sucker) would likely benefit from machining the carb pad to match the shape of the spacer to eliminate any possible reductions in air
flow. Four-hole or cloverleaf spacers should be checked to verify that there is no obstruction to air flow.

PORT MATCH: Port matching of each intake runner to the cylinder head port size on all four sides of the runner exit is REQUIRED for best results.

This would be the floor, roof, and each sidewall per the included illustrations

(See Figure 1 and Figure 2). Port locations and porting technique

will vary by manufacturer. More grinding may be necessary on the roof of the port than on the floor, or vice versa, depending on these variables.
Any sharp edges left from port runner enlargement should be radius blended to prevent high rpm air/fuel separation at the cylinder head. Due to
the as-cast size of the Victor Spread-Port manifold runners, very small amounts of material need to be removed to match the ports. No other
modification or material removal is necessary. Refer to illustrations for floor radius. Hard-roll polishing is acceptable, but substantial amounts of
grinding away of manifold material can impair its performance by greatly upsetting air/fuel distribution among cylinders.

INTAKE GASKETS: Manifold runners as cast, will fit well with Fel-Pro #1298 intake gaskets. The gasket match to the ports and bolt holes may

vary, and should be adjusted for best fit to the ports.

END SEAL CLEARANCE: Due to varying deck heights and/or valley widths, either from decking the block or milling the cylinder heads, the end

seal clearance should be checked. Lay the manifold on the engine with gaskets in place, and measure the clearance. There should be a minimum
of .060” between the block surface and the end seal surface of the manifold. You may need to machine the manifold flanges or end seal surface
to achieve optimum clearance.

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