Indentation tab, C/c++ formatting options: indentation tab – Slick EDIT V3.3 User Manual

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Use this tab to specify the brace style used by template editing and smart indenting. Choose the style you
want to use then select from the following options:

Insert braces immediately - Specifies whether template should be inserted with braces.

Insert blank line between braces - Specifies whether a blank line should be inserted between braces

when a template expands with braces.

Insert function start brace on new line - Specifies whether a function start brace should be inserted

after Enter is pressed to start a new line.

Apply to function braces - When this option is selected, the your begin/end style will be applied to

braces for function definition.

Indentation Tab

This tab is used to specify indentation options.

Figure 7.4. C/C++ Formatting Options: Indentation Tab

C/C++ Formatting Options

