Miscellaneous options, Select a tag dialog, Select – Slick EDIT V3.3 User Manual

Page 442: A tag dialog

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Auto-list compatible parameters - If selected, compatible variables are automatically listed when

parameter info is active and typing the arguments to a function call. Global (non-module) variables are
not listed. This only affects C, C++, and Java. To access this feature on demand, press Alt+Comma.

Auto List Compatible Parameters

for more information.

Pad parentheses - If selected, a space is inserted after the open parenthesis when a parameter name

is automatically inserted. In addition, if you type a close parenthesis after an automatically inserted
parameter, it will insert a space before the close parenthesis.

Insert space after comma - If selected, a space is inserted after the comma when a parameter name

is automatically inserted, such as myfun(a, b, c).

Miscellaneous Options

The following options appear at the bottom of the Context Tagging



Go to Definition navigates to symbol definition (proc) or declaration (proto) - These options are

mutually exclusive. If neither option is selected, the Select a Tag dialog is displayed, prompting you for
both definitions and declarations. In any case, if you use Ctrl+Dot to jump to a symbol, you can cycle
through the alternate symbols by pressing Ctrl+Dot repeatedly. You can step backwards through the
list of matches by pressing Ctrl+Comma. However, once you reach the first match, Ctrl+Comma will
then pop you back to your original location, where you were before you pressed Ctrl+Dot.

Independent of the settings for these options, in the following circumstances, SlickEdit


Core will jump

directly to the definition or declaration.

• If the cursor is on the first line of a symbol's declaration, it will jump directly to the definition, provided

it is unique.

• If the cursor is on the first line of a symbol's definition, it will jump directly to the declaration, provided

it is unique.

This behavior is particularly convenient for C++ programmers to navigate from a function to its proto-
type and vice-versa. See

Symbol Navigation

for more information about navigating through your code.

Show info for symbol under mouse - When selected, as the mouse cursor floats over a symbol, the

information and comments for that symbol are displayed.

Update after (ms) idle - The value that you type in this field contains the idle time in milliseconds be-

fore the List Members feature displays the list. To prevent the List Members list from being displayed
when you are typing fast, set the idle time to 300 milliseconds.

Select a Tag Dialog

The Select a Tag dialog is used to prompt whether you want to navigate to the symbol’s definition or de-
claration when you use Go to Definition (Ctrl+Dot, Navigate

Go to Definition, or push_tag com-


Select a Tag Dialog

