Setting the ring time, Setting the message alert on or off – Uniden CXAI 5198 User Manual

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T H E I N T E G R A T E D A N S W E R I N G D E V I C E [ 4 0 ]

w w w . u n i d e n . c o m

Setting the Ring Time
Ring Time allows you to set the number of rings the caller hears before your answering
system plays the outgoing message. You can set the ring time to answer after two, four, or
six rings. If you enable the Toll Saver, the answering system picks up after two rings if you
have new messages and after four rings if there are none.

1) Press clock/menu and the volume down key on the base

to select

R i ng Ti me

, and then press set.

2) Press the volume up or down key to select a Ring Time


To l l Sa v er


2 T i me s


4 T im e s

, or

6 T im e s


3) Press set. You will hear a confirmation tone.

Setting the Message Alert On or Off
Message Alert sounds an alert tone when you have an unheard message. If you set the
Message Alert on, whenever a new message is received, the soft alert tone will sound
every 15 seconds. When all messages have been played back, the alert tone
automatically deactivates.

1) Press clock/menu and the volume down key on the base

to select

M e ss a ge A l er t

, and then press set.

2) Press

the volume up or down key

to select

O n


O f f


3) Press set. You will hear a confirmation tone.

Turning the message alert tone off by pressing any key
To quickly turn off the Message Alert tone, press any key on the base unit; the tone will
automatically deactivate.

4 K P I  6 K O G 
      6 Q N N  5 C X G T
2 T G U U      Q T  U G V

/ G U U C I G  # N G T V 
             1 H H
2 T G U U      Q T  U G V









