Acer AT310 F1 User Manual

Page 151

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Sensor Color Display

Indicates the health condition of the system processor, fan,
temperature, and voltage in a box displayed before each sensor

Green - Indicates the sensor is in good health.

Amber - Indicates the sensor is in warning status.

Red - Indicates the sensor is in critical status.


Click Show Thresholds to view the threshold parameters of each
sensor. It displays the Low Non-Recoverable (NR), High Non-
Recoverable (NR), Low Non-Critical (NC), Low Critical Threshold (CT),
High Non-Critical (NC), High Critical Threshold (CT) threshold
information, and these items can not be modified. When each
threshold matches alert level, system will send the alert to the specified
destinations. To configure the specified destination, please go to Alert
section. To refresh the sensor status, just click Refresh.
