Teledyne LeCroy USB Analyzer Automation Manual User Manual

Page 22

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Teledyne LeCroy Automation API Reference Manual for USBTracer, USB Advisor, and Voyager USB Protocol




' Extract the script name.
ScriptName = Right(WScript.ScriptFullName, Len(WScript.ScriptFullName) -
InstrRev(WScript.ScriptFullName, "\") )

Set Analyzer = WScript.CreateObject( "CATC.UsbTracer" )

CurrentDir = Left(WScript.ScriptFullName, InstrRev(WScript.ScriptFullName, "\"))

' In the code below, we perform four sequential recordings and
' save the traces recorded in the current folder.

For I = 1 To 4

'Tell the CATC UWB analyzer to start recording.
Analyzer.StartRecording ( CurrentDir & "Input\test_ro.rec" )

' Imitation of some activity - just sleep for 3 seconds.
' Some real traffic generation code might be put here.
WScript.Sleep 3000

' Tell the analyzer to stop recording and give the trace acquired.
Set Trace = Analyzer.StopRecordingAndWaitForTrace

' Save the trace in the current folder.
Trace.Save CurrentDir & "Output\usb_seqrec_data" & CStr(I) & ".usb"

Set Trace = Nothing

'Release the analyzer.
Set Analyzer = Nothing

MsgBox "Sequential recordings are completed." & String(2, 13) & "Look for recorded traces in the
folder : " & CurrentDir & "Output", 64, ScriptName
