Modules: pressure module – Crystal nVision Lab Reference User Manual

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CrystalControl Operation Manual

Modules: Pressure Module

The following features are unique to the Pressure Modules (PM):

Zero Limit:

By default, all pressure modules come pre-programmed with a 20 PSI maximum zero limit. This means that you can apply pressure (up to 20 PSI)

to the recorder, press the zero button, and the recorder will read zero. In some situations it may be desirable to increase or decrease the maximum pressure
that the recorder could be set to read zero pressure.



This recorder can display zero pressure when connected to a source of pressure! Do not rely on the display indication before disconnecting–
it may not be indicating true pressure. Never disconnect pressure instrumentation without fi rst relieving system pressure!

Water Density:

Select 4°C, 60°F, 20°C/68°F. Aff ects inches of water or millimeters of water.

User Defi ned Unit:

This section allows you to create a custom unit. For example display directly in torque, force, or other pressure units like ft of seawater.

You can also defi ne an existing pressure unit with more or less digits of resolution. The display will equal the User Factor multiplied by the measured PSI plus
the User Off set. An 11 character fi eld is provided to name the custom unit of measure. Resolution selects the number of decimal places on the display. Gauge
helps you verify your factor by calculating the expected reading at full scale pressure.

Typical view of PM Module features in CrystalControl.

This manual is related to the following products: