Hoyles Zoneguard Grade 3 Zone Omit EN50131-3:2009 Env. Class II User Manual

Zoneguard zg800 installation instructions

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Zoneguard ZG800 Installation Instructions

ZONEGUARD is a Grade 3 EN50131-3:2009 General Rules

There are seven operational modes:

Environmental Class II zone omit unit that fits

A. Zones will always omit using an omit function.

1.Integral keyswitch mode. (Factory default)

between intruder detection devices and a control

B. If any zone has a detection condition during

2. Integral keypad mode.

panel to allow the devices to be securely and safely

reinstatement, then it must be returned to omitted

3.Remote latching input mode, eg. keyswitch

omitted and reinstated.

state and the detection condition cleared and then

4. Remote non-latching input mode, eg.

In its simplest mode ZONEGUARD uses its integral



keyswitch to omit or reinstate. Other modes are

When powered, no indications should be seen. If the

5.Combination of integral keypad & integral

available using the integral keypad or external

unit should bleep and LED III indicates then the


devices such as biometric reader or a combination of

memory has been corrupted and the unit will require

6.Timed entry/exit, integral keyswitch execute.

keyswitch and keypad, useful where dual setting up.(See ‘set/change mode’ instructions)

7.Timed entry/exit, integral keypad execute.

responsibility is needed. Timed entry/exit modes are

The NVM (Non Volatile Memory) remembers how

also available.

the unit was previously set up, including the code, if

The ZONEGUARD requires a supply of 12vdc.

used, after a power down.

(120ma quiescent - 200ma peak)

To omit the zones

Mode 1 turn the unit keyswitch to position R.

In any mode, if the alarm zones are not clear for re-
instating, or in modes 6 and 7 the entry/exit start

Mode 1 turn the unit keyswitch to position O.

Mode 2 type in the 6 digit code.

contact is open, then the tone will not silence after 2

Mode 2 type in the 6 digit code.

Mode 3 operate the remote device

seconds, but continue to indicate that all is not well. In

Mode 3 operate the remote device

Mode 4 operate the remote device

addition to the sounder, an led will indicate the source

Mode 4 operate the remote device

Mode 5 type in the 4 digit code and the unit will bleep

of the problem, either alarm zones 1 and 2 (LED I and

for approx. 10 seconds. During this time turn the unit

Mode 5 type in the 4 digit code and the unit will bleep

LED II), or the entry/exit start ting contact LED III.

keyswitch to position R.

for approx. 10 seconds. During this time turn the unit

If a fault is indicated, then you must omit the zones

keyswitch to position O.

Mode 5 alternative operation. Turn the keyswitch to

again. The led indication will remain until the source

position R and while it is there type in the 4 digit code.

Mode 5 alternative operation. Turn the keyswitch to

of the fault is cleared, then the led indication will clear

position O and while it is there type in the 4 digit code.

Mode 6 turn the keyswitch to position O the unit will

and re-instating can be attempted again.

bleep for the entry/exit time. While the timer is timing

Mode 6 open the start timer contact and the unit will

User Code Changing from the keypad

you can open and close the start timing contact, but if

bleep for the entry/exit time. While the timer is timing,

An authorised user, can change the code from the

it is open at the end of the entry /exit time, it will

turn the keyswitch to position O.

keypad, but only if the zones are not omitted. To

indicate fault.

Mode 7 open the start timer contact and the unit will

change the code, simultaneously press 0 and 1 a

Mode 7 type in the 6 digit code, the unit will bleep for

bleep for the entry/exit time. While the timer is timing,

double beep will sound and three LEDs will be

the entry/exit time. While the timer is timing you can

type in the 6 digit code.

illuminated. Enter the current code, a double beep will

open and close the start timing contact, but if it is open

Omit Indications

sound and LED I will extinguish LEDII and LEDIII will

at the end of the entry /exit time, it will indicate fault.

In any mode, when the zones are omitted, a double

remain illuminated. Enter the new code. A double

Reinstate indications

bleep will sound.

beep will sound, LEDII and LEDIII will extinguish.

In any mode, when the zones are re-instated, a long

To reinstate the zones

The change must be completed within 30 secs.

single bleep will sound.

The ZONEGUARD will work out of the box in mode 1

operational position B.

bleeps will sound LEDI will extinguish leaving LEDII

without any set up. All setting/changing the mode

and ledIII illuminated. Type in your six digit code. Two

Mode 4 press 4. Two bleeps will sound and LEDI and

operations must be carried out with the key in the R

bleeps will sound and LEDII will extinguish. LEDIII will

LEDII will extinguish. LEDIII will remain illuminated

position. To set up the unit or change modes move

remain illuminated and the unit will bleep until J1 is

and the unit will bleep until J1 is moved to the

jumper J1 to the set position A. Two bleeps will sound

moved to the operational position B.

operational position B.

and three LEDs illuminated. Next, enter the required

Mode8 press 8. Two bleeps will sound and LEDI will

Mode 5 press 5. Two bleeps will sound and LEDI will

mode number:

flash. LEDII and LEDIII will remain illuminated. Press

extinguish. LEDII and LEDIII will remain illuminated.

Mode 1 press 1. Two bleeps will sound and LEDI and

0 for neither or press 1 for zone 1 only or press 2 for

Type in your four digit code. Two bleeps will sound

LEDII will extinguish. LEDIII will remain illuminated

both zones to sound alarm tone. Two bleeps will

and LEDII will extinguish. LEDIII will remain

and the unit will bleep until J1 is moved to the

sound LEDI and LEDII will extinguish. LEDIII will

illuminated and the unit will bleep until J1 is moved to

operational position B.

remain illuminated and the unit will bleep until J1 is

the operational position B.

moved to the operational position B.

Mode 2 press 2. Two bleeps will sound and LEDI will

Mode 6 press 6. Two bleeps will sound and LEDI will

extinguish. LEDII and LEDIII will remain illuminated.

Mode0 press 0. Two bleeps will sound and LEDI will

flash. LEDII and LEDIII will remain illuminated. Type

Type in your six digit code. Two bleeps will sound and

flash. LEDII and LEDIII will remain illuminated. Press

in the entry/exit time in seconds(two digits) two

LEDII will extinguish. LEDIII will remain illuminated

0 for no bleep while omitted or press 1 to enable bleep

bleeps will sound LEDI and LEDII will extinguish.

and the unit will bleep until J1 is moved to the

while omitted. Two bleeps will sound LEDI and LEDII

LEDIII will remain illuminated and the unit will bleep

operational position B.

will extinguish. LEDIII will remain illuminated and the

until J1 is moved to the operational position B.

unit will bleep until J1 is moved to the operational

Mode 3 press 3. Two bleeps will sound and LEDI and

Mode 7 press 7. Two bleeps will sound and LEDI will

position B.

LEDII will extinguish. LEDIII will remain illuminated

flash. LEDII and LEDIII will remain illuminated. Type

and the unit will bleep until J1 is moved to the

in the entry/exit time in seconds(two digits) two

Remote Re-Instate

This relay follows the Zoneguard state at all times and

Bleep While Omitted programmed as mode 0. While

could be used to signal the status to a main control or

the Zoneguard is omitted the sounder double bleeps

It is possible to re-instate the zones from a remote

central station. The contacts are rated 30vdc 1A .

every 30 seconds. Programming options are on or off.

device (Control panel, central station, time clock etc).

The default is off.

Apply a momentary +ve to RMT2. If the zones have

Remote Sounder Output.

been omitted by the keyswitch or a latching device

Omitted Door Alarm. Programmed as mode 8. While

An open collector sounder output is provided to drive

connected to RMT1 LED III will illuminate to warn that

the Zoneguard is omitted the alarm sounds for the

remote sounders (12vdc 100ma max). This output

the zones are re-instated but the keyswitch is not in

duration that a alarm zone is open. Programming

sounds omitted and reinstated tones.

the correct position. To rectify this turn the keyswitch

options are neither, zone 1 only or zone 1 and zone 2.

Zoneguard Sounder Control Input.

to the re-instate position.

The default is neither.

Apply closed circuit from other equipment to sound

Omitted Relay

the alarm sounder at any time omitted or reinstated.

Operational instructions

Set / change mode instructions

Additional features

DWG 60099.cdr Iss Nov 12

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