Kaman digiVIT User Manual

Page 28

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PART NO: 860525-001

Last Revised 9/16/2013

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6) Repeat step 5 for 40%, 60%, and 80% positions. Type 'CP 2', 'CP 3', 'CP 4' at these
positions respectively.

7) Position the micrometer to the MAX position. Type ‘CP 6’ to take data, then ‘C6’ to
complete the 6 point calibration.

The calibration is now complete. If the calibration is good, the digiVIT will return a status of 0. A
status of 1 is returned on a bad calibration and the calibration must be performed again.

D.3 - 21 Point Piecewise Calibration

Most of the procedure is the same as the 6 point calibration except with more data points. This
procedure assumes the range is divided into 20 equal intervals. For example: a 0.5mm range is
divided into 0.5/20 = 0.025mm intervals.

1) Set the sensor flush with the target and move the micrometer to the MIN (offset) position.
Zero the micrometer.

2) Position the micrometer at the desired MAX (full scale range + offset).

3) With the sensor at full scale, type UDP command ‘CF’. The unit will prompt 'Scanning Pls
Wait' -- this can take approximately 20 seconds. The unit is optimizing the setup for the
particular sensor, range, and target. Wait for this to finish.

4) Position the micrometer to the MIN (offset) position. Type ‘CZ’, then ‘CP 0’ to take data.

5) Go to the 5% (0.025mm in our example) position. Type ‘CP 1’ to take data.

6) Repeat step 5 for 10-95% positions. Type 'CP 2', 'CP 3', 'CP 4' … ‘CP19’ at these positions

7) Position the micrometer to the MAX position. Type ‘CP 20’ to take data, then ‘CD’ to
complete the 21 point calibration.

The calibration is now complete. If the calibration is good, the digiVIT will return a status of 0. A
status of 1 is returned on a bad calibration and the calibration must be performed again.
